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Organizing your community to bring public attention to builder’s bad deeds and seeking assistance from local, state and federal elected officials has proven to be more effective and much quicker for thousands of families. You do have choices and alternatives.  Janet Ahmad

As Goes Texas So Goes the Nation 
How Texas Home Building Industry shaped the Texas Residential Construction
Commission (TRCC) and regulates new homebuyers

TRCC in the News
Austin-Statesman Editorial on Builder TRCC Agency
Thursday, 26 January 2006
The state is looking out for home builders, not buyers
The builders' primary goal was to protect themselves from lawsuits filed by unhappy home buyers.
Thanks to the strong political influence of such home builders as Bob Perry and Dick Weekley, both of Houston, and to the $5 million in political contributions ($3.1 million from Bob Perry alone) to state candidates, parties and political action committees in the 2002 election cycle, the builders got the commission they wanted. The agency can force a home buyer to jump through more bureaucratic hoops before going to court, but it has little effective power to make an errant builder correct defects...But the fundamental problem with the commission is that it was designed to be weak...By the way, there aren't many frivolous complaints; the commission reported that 93 percent of its inspections found at least one construction defect.
Realty Times - TRCC a Paper Tiger
Thursday, 26 January 2006
Texas' Residential Construction Commission Deemed A Paper Tiger
The vast majority of complaints to a state agency created to give Texan home owners redress for new home defects may as well be fed into a paper shredder, according to findings in a study by the Lone Star State's comptroller... "My research found no evidence that the Texas Residential Construction Commission has had a favorable impact on the homeowner," Strayhorn said. Strayhorn found that of 257 filed SIRPs, some 86 percent had third-party verified construction defects the builder didn't fix. The findings were based on responses from 102 of the 257 consumers who filed.
Statement: Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Texas Comptroller - News Conference
Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Statement from Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Texas Comptroller Texas Residential Construction Commission News Conference, January 23, 2006.
Read the full comments of the News Conference.  "This agency imposes costly and bureaucratic roadblocks for homeowners left out in the cold by shabby construction and a commission dominated by builders," Strayhorn said... "It is clear that the Texas Residential Construction Commission functions as a builder protection agency." ..."if it were up to me personally, I would blast this Texas Residential Construction Commission builder-protection agency off the bureaucratic books."

Austin-Statesman - Report: Construction agency doesn't help consumers
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Comptroller says commission a roadblock instead of a resource
A state agency that is supposed to help homeowners and builders resolve disputes is a toothless, time-consuming barrier for consumers and should be shut down, Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said Monday.  In a report requested by a legislator, Strayhorn said the Texas Residential Construction Commission does not resolve conflicts between the two parties because it cannot force builders to make repairs... "This agency imposes costly and bureaucratic roadblocks for homeowners left out in the cold by shabby construction and a commission dominated by builders," Strayhorn said.
Dallas Morning News - Strayhorn criticizes homebuyer agency
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Strayhorn criticizes homebuyer agency
The state agency set up to help homebuyers settle disputes with builders does nothing to make sure defective homes are fixed, a report released Monday by Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn found.  In response to a survey, 88 of 102 homeowners said their builders did not fix problems after they went through the complaint process required by the Texas Residential Construction Commission... "The bottom line is that the Texas Residential Construction Commission clearly functions as a builder protection agency. I found no evidence that they've had a favorable impact on the homeowner," said Mrs. Strayhorn, who is running for governor as an independent. "If it were up to me, personally I would just blast this agency off the bureaucratic books."
Home defect panel is called no help
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Home defect panel is called no help
An agency designed to protect homeowners from construction defects actually shields builders from responsibility, according to an audit released by the Texas Comptroller's Office on Monday. "My research found no evidence the Texas Residential Construction Commission has had a favorable impact on the homeowner," Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said in a statement. "It is clear that the Texas Residential Construction Commission functions as a builder protection agency."
ASSOCIATED PRESS - Comptroller blasts building agency
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Comptroller blasts building agency
The Texas Residential Construction Commission is acting as a "builder protection agency" and has no power to force home builders to repair construction defects in new houses, Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said Monday... "For these reasons, if it were up to me personally, I would blast this Texas Residential Construction Commission off the bureaucratic books," Strayhorn said...Home builders praise the law for establishing standards and warranties for home construction and creating a dispute-resolution process. Consumer advocates say it makes home buyers pay fees to file a complaint and limits their legal recourse.
Houston Chronicle - Strayhorn issues scathing report
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Comptroller study rips regulation of builders
Consumer advocates hope a scathing report released Monday on the agency created to regulate home builders will spur lawmakers to make changes. Builders, meanwhile, say the commission is young and an important tool for homeowners... "If this is an infancy thing, I'd hate to see what it is when it grows up,"said Janet Ahmad, president of the San Antonio-based Homeowners for Better Building. "How many bad homes is enough?"
Texas Comptroller Report Condemns TRCC Builder Protection Agency
Monday, 23 January 2006

In a homeowner survey conducted by my office, I found that 86 percent of homeowners who responded said their builder failed to fix construction defects in their homes. And that was after going through the mandated State Sponsored Inspection and Dispute Resolution process that verified the defects...the agency has absolutely no enforcement power to make the builders fix defects... if it were up to me personally, I would blast this Texas Residential Construction Commission builder-protection agency off the bureaucratic books. See additional news articles on Comptroller's TRCC  Report: TRCC - Latest News

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Results 181 - 189 of 241

 Texas, First Home Lemon Law Debated in the Nation
Homebuyers Need a Home Lemon Law

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Reckless Endangerment

Outsized Ambition, Greed and
Corruption Led to
Economic Armageddon

Barnes & Noble

NPR Special Report
Part I Listen Now
Perry Home - No Warranty 
Part II Listen Now
Texas Favors Builders

Washington Post
The housing bubble, in four chapters
BusinessWeek Special Reports
Bonfire of the Builders
Homebuilders helped fuel the housing crisis
Housing: That Sinking Feeling

Texas Regulates Homebuyers
Texas Comptroller Condemns TRCC Builder Protection Agency
TRCC is the punishment phase of homeownership in Texas

Consumer Affairs Builder Complaints

 TRCC Implosion
 TRCC Shut Down
 Sunset Report

As Goes Texas So Goes the Nation
Knowledge and Financial Responsibility are still Optional for Texas Home Builders

TRCC from Bad to Worse
Case of the Crooked House

The Pat and Bob Egert Building & TRCC Experience 

Build it right the first time
An interview with Janet Ahmad

Voting Texas Style
What Lawmaker is Voting for you?

Bad Binding Arbitration Experience?
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or call 1-210-402-6800

 Texas Homebuilder
Bob Perry Political Contributions

  The Agency Bob Perry Built
 TRCC Connection News
Tort Reform

NPR Interview - Perry's
Political influence movement.
Click to listen 

Texas Homebuyers
Fight for Rights

TRCC Abolish or Fix
or Pass Home Lemon Law
Homebuyers Bill of Rights

Pulte Homeowner Survey
Warranty & Mortgage Experience
 Click to participate

Tort Reform Feature
Texas Monthly
 Hurt? Injured? Need a Lawyer? Too Bad!

 Feature: Mother Jones Magazine
Are you Next?
People Magazine - Jordan Fogal fights back
Because of construction defects Jordan’s Tremont Home is uninhabitable
You could be the next victim
Interview with Award Winning Author Jordan Fogal

Special Money Report
Big Money and Shoddy Construction:Texas Home Buyers Left Out in the Cold
Read More
Read Report: Big Money…
Home Builder Money Source of Influence

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